Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling

Couples often contact me when they feel like they have hit a crisis point. They sometimes fear that their relationship is at a breaking point. Communication may have broken down, trust may be on thin ice, and sex is often not in the current picture.

Couples often need direction or guidance on a variety of issues—communication, conflict management, bereavement/loss, parenting skills, financial stress, remarriage/blended families, and the negotiation of rules and boundaries. Couples that experience sexual dissatisfaction or general intimacy problems can learn how to improve their sexual satisfaction. A couple may have experienced a betrayal of trust and need assistance in building back their mutual trust. Premarital counseling is designed to assist couples who are considering marriage.

Couples therapy consists of both partners working with the therapist toward achievement of treatment goals.  As in individual therapy, couples therapy is normally scheduled weekly but can be more or less frequent depending on each situation.